Sunday, February 1, 2015

EDU276 S.T.E.A.M. Environments

How do you create a non-threatening, positive, S.T.E.A.M. focused learning environment?

My goal would be to create an overall pleasant yet work oriented atmosphere in my classroom. A non-threatening, positive learning environment to me means a space that is highly organized and clean. I would work to ensure all students and visitors felt safe and welcome. Creating an environment conducive to that end must include a foundation that meets basic physical requirements:
  • Clean walls and floor
  • Good lighting
  • Fresh paint
  • Living plants
  • Fresh smell and odor
  • Comfortable furniture in good repair
As Harry K. Wong in his book, The First Days of School, “School must be a safe and protected environment where students can come to learn without fear.” Students and staff should treat their school as a sanctuary.

My additional desire would be to teach and enforce classroom procedures that are predictable and consistent. To achieve both a learning focused environment where classroom procedures are consistently applied, here are a few ideas, specific details, that I would work to implement to help me achieve those goals.

Prepare the Floor Space
  • Keep high-traffic areas clear, specifically space free around doors, water fountains, pencil sharpeners, bookcases, storage area and group work areas, teacher materials and the teacher’s desk.
  • Arrange desks strategically to keep focus on learning, eyes forward on teacher. 
Prepare the Student Area
  • Designate areas for students’ belongings such as backpacks, lunch boxes, instruments, projects and outer wear.
  • Have a strategic location ready for students who need to be isolated from the rest of the class.
  • Keep students in close proximity to my work area for efficiency and mobility.
Prepare the Wall Space
  • Post daily schedule and assignments in the same place every school day.
  • Post emergency procedures and information in a permanent location.
  • Display classroom rules.
  • Clearly display my name and class name on my door.
Prepare Teacher Area and Materials

  • Organize all paperwork and supplies in an orderly system.
  • Eliminate all clutter. Currently, Highland Arts Elementary in the Mesa Public School District is under review for an A+ School Rating. To prepare, Principal Suzi Rollins requested every teacher clean out all clutter and unnecessary materials to help Highland achieve its A+ rating.

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