Sunday, February 15, 2015

EDU276 S.T.E.A.M. Forgotten Procedures

Upon returning to school after winter break, you notice the students have forgotten most of the procedures you taught them at the beginning of the year. At the end of the week, you will do a 5E Lesson that requires several different supplies and materials. Explain what you will do now.

First, I would reteach, rehearse and reinforce classroom procedures. Furthermore, I would do this in small chunks. Similar to the beginning of the year, I would begin with reteaching the procedures that make up the foundation of good classroom management. This list would include —
  • How to enter the classroom
  • What to do when the bell rings
  • What to do when they have a question
  • What to do when the teacher wants their attention
  • How a paper is to be done
  • Where I want the paper turned in
  • How to participate in class discussion
  • How to work cooperatively and in groups
  • What to do upon dismissal of class
Once these procedures are remastered, I would reteach, rehears and reinforce the following procedures prior to my 5E Lesson. Because the 5E Learning Model includes Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, and Evaluation, I would need all of my students back up to speed on classroom procedures prior to the 5E Lesson. Here is a list of additional daily procedures students would need to know to participate in a 5E Lesson.
  • How to maintain their notebooks
  • How to take lecture notes
  • How to read a textbook
  • How to do homework
  • How to study for a test
  • How to respond in emergencies
  • What to do if they have a request - bathroom, office, library, pencil, supplies
  • How to make transitions
  • How to line up for lunch
  • What to do when tardy and absent
  • How to act when visitors are in the classroom
  • How to act when the teacher is out of the classroom
  • What to do if they finish early

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