Sunday, February 22, 2015

EDU276 S.T.E.A.M. Learning Styles

In the Arts, describe three activities for sculpture that would touch on different learning styles, one activity for each learning style.

Auditory Learners: I would give a more traditional lecture and discussion led lesson on Edgar Degas’ Little Dancer of Fourteen Years

Visual Learners: I would bring a real-life replica of Degas’ Little Dancer to class and involve students in the Socratic Method of discussing its value using a Process Map, a hand-out where students can write down their observations, questions and conclusions.

Kinesthetic Learners: In the Primary Grades, I would encourage students to partner and learn collaboratively, using their own bodies as the sculpting material. I would have one student be the artist, sculpting his or her peer into a sculpture of his or her choice. Then, the students would switch roles. I would demonstrate how to do this using one partnership first, before allowing the entire class to do it independently. Discussion and observation could take place after each sculpture is complete. In Intermediate Grades, sculpting wire and/or air dry clay could be used to encourage students to create their own sculptures, after a short lesson on Degas’ Little Dancer. 

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