Sunday, February 15, 2015

EDU276 S.T.E.A.M. Lesson 4, Assignment 1

Select a portion of an Arts, Science or Math Lesson. Write a set of specific procedures for successful student completion of the task. Check to see that you have covered every step necessary for the task to be performed in its entirety.

As Artist in Residence at Highland Arts Elementary, I teach in every classroom, K-6, for half an hour, once a month. I teach a different Creative and Performing Art. For example, this month, in anticipation of our school’s spring musical, Disney’s Jungle Book, I am teaching all grade levels a portion of the script and lyrics. In just 30 minutes, every student is acting, singing and dancing. Another example is December’s lesson when I introduced students to the Art of Dance, specifically The Nutcracker. I engaged every student in creating and performing an original Nutcracker dance sequence in class. In short, I cover a lot of fun learning material and in a short amount of time. 

Because the students are so excited to participate — perform, sing and move, occasionally, I have to keep their excitement under control. I have a procedure to quickly quiet a class and bring them back to my full attention. I call it my Lollipop Drum Technique. Here is my exact script.

My name is Ms. Pearson, and I am back for another lesson on a Creative and Performing Art. Today, we’re going to talk about Drama, the Theater, but before we begin, let me please remind you of my expectations.

We are going to be acting, singing and even dancing today. We are going to have fun learning, and we have a lot of material to cover in a short amount of time. I’m so glad you’re excited, but I need you to remain just as you are now —
  • Actively listening to me (which means no talking)
  • Eyes focused on me
  • And show me you’re ready for instruction
If you understand, please give me a silent thumbs up.
Good job. Thank you.

Now, if in all the excitement, you forget our rules and you start talking to your neighbor, I’ll remind you by hitting my Lollipop Drum. (I show the students my drum and mallet.) When you hear me hit this drum (I demonstrate the action and sound), I want you to immediately do three things (I hold up 3 fingers). I want you to immediately —
  • Freeze (which means no talking)
  • Eyes focused on me
  • And be ready for instruction because I will have something to say.
Touch your nose if you understand the procedure.
Thank you.

Now, let’s practice (rehearse).
Talk to your neighbor and wait for my signal. 

At this point, I let the students rehearse my procedure. Depending on the students’ response, I may rehearse the Lollipop Drum Technique one more time. I may also involve the classroom teacher to give feedback and a critique of their students’ ability to follow my directions. If I need to reinforce the procedure, I once again ask —

When you hear me hit the drum, what are you going to do?
  • Freeze (no talking)
  • Eyes focused on me
  • And be ready for instruction
Excellent. Thank you. Let’s practice. Talk to your neighbor, etc.

In summary, this is my Lollipop Drum Procedure for quickly quieting a classroom. It also involves the three step approach to teaching a procedure, namely, to teach, rehearse and reinforce. If my drum is not available, I can also use my hands to clap the class to attention. Rarely do I need to use this method. Most of the time students are so engaged in the lesson that I only need to redirect those off task with an “excuse me,” as well as to praise those students who are well behaved and ready to learn.

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