Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lincoln Center Workshop Engages Students and Teachers

Students Study Sculpture

Students and teachers from Highland Arts Elementary engaged in a workshop on sculpture today tied to Social Studies Standards. Ms. Shelly Brown's Fourth Grade class has been studying the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. Based on that line of inquiry, Ms. Brown taught the key ideas of hope and hopelessness through the Art of Sculpture.

Teaching Artist Dacia Washington-Torchia of Lincoln Center Education co-taught Ms. Brown's class, layering several sculpting activities. For example, students began by posing and sculpting their own bodies, followed by a 2-D sketch and culminating in a 3-D sculpture. Before and after each activity, students spent time in meaningful discussion and reflection. Students are taught to notice deeply, ask questions and make connections.

Aesthetic Education

In an on-going collaboration with Lincoln Center Education in New York, Highland Arts teachers are increasing their knowledge and experience with Aesthetic Education. Yesterday, fourteen teachers participated in a Lincoln Center Workshop, which included hands-on activities such as public art viewing and peer facilitation.

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